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Words...Written, Spoken & Read

Whether you're a reader, a writer or you enjoy a good conversation, the Words Circle has something of interest. Check in regularly for activities and thought provoking pieces of writing. As the project evolves there will be plenty of opportunities to interact and contribute.

The Bookshelf is simply a range of books. You might have already read several of them... did you love them or hate them? Or perhaps you're looking for something to read and discuss with friends... how about one of these titles?


A few  of them are by local authors!


The Sound Booth is a selection of blog posts which contain links to podcasts or recordings. Some will be conversations, some will be performances. Perhaps you'll find a new pod to follow, hopefully you'll find some challenging ideas. Feel free to comment on them!


The Sound Booth Square.png

Collaborative Writing

One of the most exciting aspects of Circles & Strands is the possibility to creatively collaborate. The very first collaborative writing project is underway now.


How to participate:

  1. Watch the informational slideshow below

  2. Click "I'm in!" to RSVP to Jumpstart-Future-Masterpieces

  3. Join the Jumpstart-Future-Masterpieces Group

  4. Read through the blog posts and comment on other participants writing and comments

  5. Post some pieces of your own writing

  6. Participants of Jumpstart-Future-Masterpieces will have their work included (if they agree) in a printed volume which they will be able to order

Current Writing Challenge!


Collaborative Writing Project 
January - February - March

See your work in print

The project is already underway but there is still plenty of time to join in. When you have RSVP-ed you can join the Jumpstart Future Masterpieces group. This allows you to chat, share inspirations and pieces you've written as well as help out fellow writers. 

Subject reveal.png
Write your paragraph and share the results

Hover to reveal the subject!


Will you accept a writing challenge?

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